About Us
About Us
Our outlook on life is simple - "without light and laughter there is no hope". The goal for LSLLC is to spread awareness of Chronic Disease through laughter.
Our mission is raising awareness for the many health related causes. How do we do this? We create comfortable and affordable awareness apparel. Share your story with the rest of the world and allow us to provide you with the apparel to do just that.
You will find our selection, service and price is second to none. We take great pride in producing first rate products. With our advanced web site, superior customer service and production departments, you can rest assured that you are outfitted with the very best. We streamline the entire process, creating a system which is easy, quick and affordable.
We began our journey in early 2019 with a sole mission of raising awareness for important causes world wide beginning with Multiple Sclerosis. We achieve this goal by selling a range of awareness products such as: t-shirts, mugs, phone cases, jewelry and more. You can be assured you will receive the best quality products with unique and original prints and designs.
LaughingSpoonie.com supports Disease research
You can feel good about shopping with LaughingSpoonie.com! This page answers some frequently asked questions about how we are organised, what we do to support disease research, and why.
Is LaughingSpoonie.com a nonprofit organization?
Nope. LaughingSpoonie.com is a for-profit company. Sometimes customers assume we’re a nonprofit, because we give a lot and offer loads of community resources on our websites and social media pages. Please read more below to learn why we chose to be a business.
>Why did we choose a for-profit model?
There are many benefits to us running as a business, we aim to serve out community with a range of the highest quality products and awesome customer service! These business objectives are best served by a for-profit model.
We are dedicated to supporting disease research and there are countless non-profit organisations that already exists with this purpose. If we had gone down the non-profit route we would be competing for the same grants, funds and volunteers. We felt it best to operate as a business capable of generating our own contributions for charities.
So that’s what we did. LaughingSpoonie.com competes in the marketplace as a business and because of this, we are able to achieve great results. Firstly we provide the community with high quality goods and service and secondly, at the same time raising funds for contributions. All the while still being able to laugh and enjoy life.
How does LaughingSpoonie.com support Charities?
Every year our goal is to make a generous donation to a variety of leading charities and organizations. We will be listing our donations and the recipients on this page so you can see exactly where the money goes annually.
How does LaughingSpoonie.com decide how much to give?
LaughingSpoonie.com donates a percentage of net profits to good causes. We have to make intelligent decisions in an ever increasingly, competitive market and felt that donating a percentage of our profits was the best way to do so. Because we operate as a business we have many overheads and costs that are variable. One of the main variable channels is advertising and marketing. This makes it difficult to award a fixed percentage of the product sale price to good causes as the profitability constantly changes.